A story of broken humanity following the invasion of a technologically superior alien species. Bleak, harrowing, and unrelenting, the humans must find enough courage to go on fighting.
Sigourney Weaver (Acting)
Eugene Khumbanyiwa (Acting)
Robert Hobbs (Acting)
Carly Pope (Acting)
Brandon Auret (Acting)
Michael Huff (Acting)
Jay Anstey (Acting)
Alec Gillis (Writing)
28 June 2017
12 July 2017
27 May 2016
6 July 2017
27 February 2020
9 June 2017
12 October 2013
15 November 2016
11 May 1986
2 July 2005
11 February 2002
23 March 1996
29 September 2004
3 May 2012
14 September 2017
16 April 2014
19 October 1984
27 October 2016
8 January 1993
12 December 2016
14 June 2017