The six members of the working-class Bessette family each mimic a certain stage of the life of the iconic Brother André and are an incarnation of his values and characteristics.
Reynald Bouchard (Acting)
Pierre Curzi (Acting)
J. Léo Gagnon (Acting)
Claude Jutra (Directing)
Willie Lamothe (Acting)
Marthe Nadeau (Acting)
Marcel Sabourin (Acting)
4 September 1990
12 October 2023
10 April 2022
27 February 2010
25 September 1990
16 July 1943
11 January 1971
26 November 1964
1 January 2013
25 January 2013
24 January 1993
1 January 1993
13 November 2021
1 December 2004
7 June 2000
11 July 1995
17 October 2013
31 December 1961
24 December 1971