Tom's in love again, and Jerry's devil conscience reminds him of times this has happened in the past (which, of course, we see, in the form of clips from earlier shorts), and how that's been nothing but trouble for Jerry.
Paul Frees (Acting)
29 May 2004
10 June 2008
6 October 2014
18 March 2017
6 September 2014
5 January 1979
2 March 2012
27 March 2021
15 October 1937
3 December 2003
14 October 2013
15 November 2011
23 July 1932
17 August 1908
1 October 1999
10 December 1932
14 April 1934
10 June 2020
29 January 2015
10 April 2021
12 April 1952