A medieval Book of the Dead is discovered in the catacombs that run under a small town strip club. When one of the desperate strippers raises an army of the undead, the rest of the strippers must kick some zombie ass to save the world.
Sora Aoi (Acting)
Io Aikawa (Acting)
Risa Kasumi (Acting)
Mari Sakurai (Acting)
Tamayo (Acting)
Minoru Torihada (Acting)
Saori Andô (Acting)
Ini Kusano (Acting)
Mame Yamada (Acting)
Yumi Yoshiyuki (Acting)
Kazuki Tsujimoto (Acting)
30 January 1987
11 November 1980
26 December 2014
25 October 2011
1 September 2014
2 June 1989
5 November 2014
15 December 2009
15 September 2021
25 April 2018
17 June 2015
3 April 2018
15 December 2021
16 November 2018
16 December 2020
25 May 1977
15 October 2015
22 November 1989
15 May 2018
27 November 2019
15 May 2010