A film centering on the life and work of Ron Galella that examines the nature and effect of paparazzi.
Ron Galella (Acting)
Betty Galella (Acting)
Floyd Abrams (Acting)
Dick Cavett (Acting)
Chuck Close (Acting)
Bonnie Fuller (Acting)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Acting)
Robert Redford (Acting)
John Loengard (Acting)
Harry Benson (Acting)
Liz Smith (Acting)
Gilbert M. Anderson (Directing)
Ingrid Bergman (Acting)
Humphrey Bogart (Acting)
Marlon Brando (Acting)
Charlie Chaplin (Acting)
David Frost (Acting)
Clark Gable (Acting)
Cary Grant (Acting)
Katharine Hepburn (Acting)
Paris Hilton (Acting)
Angelina Jolie (Acting)
Grace Kelly (Acting)
Jacqueline Kennedy (Acting)
Lindsay Lohan (Acting)
Marilyn Monroe (Acting)
Mary Pickford (Acting)
Brad Pitt (Acting)
Maury Povich (Acting)
Geraldo Rivera (Acting)
Britney Spears (Acting)
Elizabeth Taylor (Acting)
Vince Vaughn (Acting)
15 September 1992
24 October 1962
18 November 1977
21 March 2014
23 September 1994
30 May 2019
19 December 1971
25 May 1983
8 March 1996
16 July 2008
15 October 1999
19 November 1975
14 March 1972
25 June 1982
3 December 2010
22 November 2000
17 July 2009
18 November 1997
18 July 2013
28 December 2022
30 July 2010