Prevented from using mobile phones due to the non-existent reception of the location, a school trip to a rural town becomes a life-changing experience of friendship and love for a group of Italian kids and their teacher.
Vanessa Incontrada (Acting)
Corrado Fortuna (Acting)
Claudia Potenza (Acting)
Beatrice Arnera (Acting)
Neva Leoni (Acting)
Caterina Biasiol (Acting)
Leonardo Pazzagli (Acting)
Federico Cesari (Acting)
Marco Todisco (Acting)
Mirko Trovato (Acting)
Cristina Crisà (Acting)
Michele De Virgilio (Acting)
Serena Iansiti (Acting)
Eleonora Gaggero (Acting)
Elodie (Acting)
Marzia Ubaldi (Acting)
Gianmarco Tognazzi (Acting)
Beatrice Bartoni (Acting)
Giacomo Colavito (Acting)
Giacomo Giorgio (Acting)
27 April 2017
31 May 2002
23 March 2017
21 January 2016
21 April 2017
3 June 2011
19 January 2007
10 January 2014
5 January 2011
1 August 2017
23 November 2017
7 December 2016
29 August 2017
11 July 2017
14 December 2007
15 December 2016
2 March 2017
5 September 2019
2 January 2015
2 November 2017