What was your first desire? What did you long for most? Arielle Dombasle put these questions to a wide circle of famous people.
Arielle Dombasle (Acting)
Michel Houellebecq (Acting)
Jean-Jacques Annaud (Directing)
Fanny Ardant (Acting)
Pierre Arditi (Acting)
Fernando Arrabal (Acting)
Daniel Auteuil (Acting)
Édouard Baer (Acting)
Jeanne Balibar (Acting)
Jean-Paul Belmondo (Acting)
Marisa Berenson (Acting)
Michèle Bernier (Acting)
Tony Blair (Acting)
Claudia Cardinale (Acting)
Aurore Clément (Acting)
David Lynch (Directing)
Sofia Coppola (Directing)
Jean-Paul Gaultier (Costume & Make-Up)
Isabelle Huppert (Acting)
Karl Lagerfeld (Costume & Make-Up)
Lenny Kravitz (Acting)
John Malkovich (Acting)
Chris Marker (Directing)
Kylie Minogue (Acting)
Anita Pallenberg (Acting)
Vincent Perez (Acting)
Charlotte Rampling (Acting)
Jean Reno (Acting)
Éric Rohmer (Directing)
Isabella Rossellini (Acting)
Mickey Rourke (Acting)
Salman Rushdie (Acting)
Omar Sharif (Acting)
Sharon Stone (Acting)
Diane von Fürstenberg (Acting)
5 January 2007
21 August 2014
1 May 2007
28 July 2017
15 May 2019
25 December 2013
16 July 2008
6 March 2019
22 May 2019
1 October 2019
15 July 2010
30 April 2008
16 November 2016
3 October 2018
25 April 2018
14 February 2010
5 September 2018
12 June 2019
30 May 2019
16 March 2009