A horror-comedy of errors, Die-ner (get it?) explores the existential dilemma of a sociopath killer who runs into the unique problem of his victims rising from the dead...
Parker Quinn (Acting)
Liesel Kopp (Acting)
Maria Olsen (Acting)
Eric Johnson (Acting)
29 January 2003
14 July 2005
9 October 2012
27 September 2012
4 January 2012
2 December 2003
4 September 2014
6 March 2012
13 May 2014
1 January 1993
20 May 2004
21 January 1955
6 February 2015
23 May 1999
30 August 2011
29 October 2010
9 April 2011
10 February 2017
14 April 2012
1 August 1988
31 October 2009