Film - Reflection. The characters are the people who survived the war, the horror of the fascist concentration camps and the danger of suffocation, as well as those whose parents past is known only theoretically
Bronius Babkauskas (Acting)
Vytautas Paukste (Acting)
Eugenija Bajorytė (Acting)
Antanas Šurna (Acting)
Gediminas Karka (Acting)
Monika Mironaitė (Acting)
Artiomas Inozemcevas (Acting)
Juozas Budraitis (Acting)
Gediminas Girdvainis (Acting)
Juris Strenga (Acting)
Alfonsas Radzevičius (Acting)
Laima Štrimaitytė (Acting)
Vaclovas Blėdis (Acting)
Antanas Gabrėnas (Acting)
Danutė Juronytė (Acting)
Steponas Kosmauskas (Acting)
Algimantas Masiulis (Acting)
Regina Paliukaitytė (Acting)
Kazimieras Preikstas (Acting)
Algirdas Sabalys (Acting)
Rimantas Siparis (Acting)
Juozas Urmanavičius (Acting)
24 November 2021
26 July 2011
28 May 1994
12 January 1968
23 February 1975
5 August 1949
26 September 2012
14 September 1981
1 April 1965
27 February 1945
20 January 2020
25 December 2024
1 May 1960
1 February 2024
11 November 1949
8 November 2019
18 March 1917
25 December 1969