Sébastien and Danny are lifelong friends and competitive boxers whose relationship and career is tested when they accidentally hit a bicyclist with their car after a night of excess partying.
David Boutin (Acting)
Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge (Acting)
Fanny Mallette (Acting)
Jacynthe René (Acting)
Germain Houde (Acting)
Benoît Gouin (Acting)
Roger La Rue (Acting)
Danny Blanco Hall (Acting)
Steve Laplante (Acting)
John Dunn-Hill (Acting)
Anne-Renée Duhaime (Acting)
Christian Gauthier (Acting)
Mario Langlois (Acting)
Marcello Bezina (Crew)
Lee Villeneuve (Acting)
Nico Gagnon (Acting)
Martin Dubreuil (Acting)
Laurent Allaire (Production)
Martin Thibaudeau (Acting)
Richard Lemire (Acting)
Yves Amyot (Acting)
Luc-Martial Dagenais (Acting)
Michel Lacroix (Acting)
Sylvain G. Bissonnette (Acting)
Marie-Ève Trudel (Acting)
Sylvain Buffoni (Acting)
Amélie Chérubin-Soulières (Acting)
1 August 2004
30 December 2015
13 May 2021
8 October 2016
9 February 1962
31 March 2008
1 January 2013
26 September 2013
13 September 2011
7 January 1938
24 November 1995
16 November 2010
23 March 2015
11 April 2006
25 December 2006
16 October 1992
8 January 2012
30 October 1974
7 March 2008