A slightly dystopian vision of LA, we follow three disaffected teenagers, Jessie, Calvin and Nicky, all victims of extreme childhoods, running supreme hedonistic riot as they try to work out a way in life.
Kelvin Harrison, Jr. (Acting)
Jacob Latimore (Acting)
Charlie Plummer (Acting)
John Corbett (Acting)
Jonathan Majors (Acting)
Robin Givens (Acting)
Amber Heard (Acting)
Terrence Howard (Acting)
David Garelik (Acting)
Zoë Renee (Acting)
Peter Chen (Acting)
Kim Estes (Acting)
Mo McRae (Acting)
Chris Gann (Acting)
Erica Peeples (Acting)
DeRay Davis (Acting)
Julia Rose (Acting)
Chastity Dotson (Acting)
Demarius Mack (Acting)
Ari Loeb (Acting)
J.J. Boone (Acting)
Treisa Gary (Acting)
Rhomeyn Johnson (Acting)
Hilda Boulware (Acting)
Tom Wright (Acting)
Travis Scott (Acting)
Vince Staples (Acting)
26 February 2021
30 April 2021
28 September 2019
21 March 2014
2 November 2022
25 September 2020
22 December 2000
30 April 2004
6 March 1998
28 July 2021
3 November 2021
19 January 2001
30 May 2019
18 December 2001
16 July 2008
1 May 2007
19 July 2023
25 April 2001
29 January 2021
15 September 2021
4 June 2021