A priest-doctor chasing a man with supernatural regenerative abilities, who has recently escaped from a medical lab, reaches a small town where the mutant goes on a killing spree.
George Eastman (Acting)
Annie Belle (Acting)
Charles Borromel (Acting)
Katya Berger (Acting)
Ted Rusoff (Acting)
Edmund Purdom (Acting)
Cindy Leadbetter (Acting)
Lucia Ramirez (Acting)
Mark Shannon (Acting)
Michele Soavi (Directing)
Goffredo Unger (Acting)
4 June 2015
25 March 1994
17 November 1980
7 August 1980
1 June 1988
7 February 1980
21 January 1921
19 August 1988
30 August 2013
29 July 1983
5 December 1984
28 February 1998
23 September 1994
3 March 2021
1 December 2017
29 May 2013
14 March 1972
1 August 2019
28 December 2022
25 June 1974
1 October 1981