One of the biggest questions of the financial crisis has not been answered until now. What happened at Lehman Brothers and why was it allowed to fail, with aftershocks that rocked the global economy?
Françoise Cadol (Acting)
Antoine David-Calvet (Acting)
Olivier Barrette (Acting)
Bobby Beshro (Acting)
Nathalie Breuer (Acting)
Stéphane Demers (Acting)
Isabelle Leyrolles (Acting)
Christophe Vienne (Acting)
3 May 2019
3 October 2018
7 September 2014
11 May 2012
29 September 2016
7 December 2006
16 July 1998
10 July 2015
28 September 2012
17 July 2015
9 January 2009
3 February 2012
14 January 2016
18 July 2013
5 June 1929
26 November 2014
17 November 2017
20 October 2007
29 October 2009
30 September 2011
4 September 2018