Aitor is a director making a film about a lonely man looking for love, called “Soul Ache.” While he uses his auditions to meet women, he really longs to cast actress Myriam Mezieres in the film.
Martxelo Rubio (Acting)
Bruno Buzzi (Acting)
Joan Potau (Writing)
Nathalie Seseña (Acting)
Mapi Galán (Acting)
Carme Elias (Acting)
Myriam Mézières (Acting)
Noemí Climent (Acting)
Clara Sanchís (Acting)
Laura Aparicio (Acting)
Beatriz Bergamín (Acting)
Sonia Jávaga (Acting)
Antonio Cabello (Acting)
Divine (Acting)
Maite Pastor (Acting)
Pilar Castro (Acting)
Balbino Lacosta (Acting)
María Santos (Acting)
Nacho de Diego (Acting)
Eva Herrero (Acting)
Rosa Mariscal (Acting)
7 October 2016
4 September 2020
27 May 2021
7 June 2013
11 June 2011
10 October 2014
8 October 2010
21 October 2016
3 June 2017
25 January 2015
5 March 2010
12 August 2005
3 April 2020
1 August 2008
1 January 2022
25 June 2004
24 May 2006
18 January 2019
8 September 2022
17 January 2004
14 August 1998