At the altar where he is marrying Séverine, the groom, Antoine, gets his first glimpse of her mother, Léa, and suffers what the French call a coup de foudre which we know as love at first sight.
Vincent Lindon (Acting)
Mathilde Seigner (Acting)
Line Renaud (Acting)
Catherine Deneuve (Acting)
Stéphane Audran (Acting)
Danièle Lebrun (Acting)
Jean Yanne (Acting)
Artus de Penguern (Acting)
Idris Elba (Acting)
Luc Palun (Acting)
Laurent Lafitte (Acting)
Jean-Marie Winling (Acting)
Sacha Briquet (Acting)
Jean-Michel Martial (Acting)
Françoise Lépine (Acting)
Antoine du Merle (Acting)
Slim Pezin (Sound)
Joséphine Lebas-Joly (Acting)
1 April 2015
3 October 2007
6 January 1999
3 February 1999
16 December 1977
3 December 2004
5 February 2012
26 June 1987
28 September 2019
17 October 2006
10 September 1994
3 July 2019
1 October 2019
9 February 2016
5 November 2014
4 October 2017
23 June 1994
30 May 2019
23 September 1994
27 October 2017
10 March 1999