A man whose wife was murdered on the wedding night returns to town to marry another and is resisted by the locals.
Manuel Alexandre (Acting)
Mercedes Barranco (Acting)
Graciela Borges (Acting)
Susana Campos (Acting)
José Canalejas (Acting)
Conchita Bautista (Acting)
José Guardiola (Acting)
Fernando Guillén (Acting)
Paco Morán (Acting)
Marta Padovan (Acting)
Hugo Pimentel (Acting)
Antonio Prieto (Acting)
Pepe Rubio (Acting)
José Sepúlveda (Acting)
Josefina Serratosa (Acting)
José Suárez (Acting)
26 August 2016
5 February 2014
13 March 1968
20 October 2007
12 June 2014
6 August 2017
28 January 1961
5 November 1943
6 February 2008
6 May 2016
30 March 2016
7 October 2016
19 March 1949
18 December 1988
10 August 2018
28 November 2019
21 January 2010
31 July 2016
21 September 2018
15 March 2019
31 May 1964