A story about a rural family in China. The husband stays at home and farms the land, while the wife goes into town to be a prostitute to earn more money.
Isabelle Chow Wang (Acting)
Zhao Jun (Acting)
26 March 1975
5 June 1988
25 March 2011
26 October 2007
14 September 1960
8 February 1960
6 January 1978
15 June 2020
1 June 2017
28 September 1997
30 September 1958
26 March 2018
9 October 1987
17 March 1989
22 December 1959
15 January 2020
15 August 2003
25 May 1966
15 July 1966
18 August 1969
1 January 1994