A group of people setting out to find a previously assumed land and upon reaching it, not knowing how to deal with the customs of the place, have to deal with all the consequences.
Vladislav Dvorzhetsky (Acting)
Oleg Dal (Acting)
Georgiy Vitsin (Acting)
Yuriy Nazarov (Acting)
Nikolai Gritsenko (Acting)
Aleksandr Susnin (Acting)
Arkadi Trusov (Acting)
Gregory Chepchyan (Acting)
Pyotr Abasheev (Acting)
Makhmud Esambayev (Acting)
Sergey Dvoretskiy (Acting)
Naidan Gendunova (Acting)
Nasira Mambetova (Acting)
Aleksei Minin (Acting)
25 August 1977
15 December 1961
4 June 1968
13 February 1973
6 April 2008
23 March 2010
1 February 2011
23 December 1993
13 December 2022
5 September 2011
16 November 2010
28 December 2016
24 April 2009
29 October 2020
10 March 2017
13 April 2016
26 March 2019
9 June 2022
11 June 2012
1 March 1909
1 October 1973