Will Mannon, "product of the Devil's loins," is released from a frontier prison and promptly goes in search of the people who put him there some 12 years ago -- Matt Dillon and Kitty Russell.
James Arness (Acting)
Amanda Blake (Acting)
Buck Taylor (Acting)
Fran Ryan (Acting)
Earl Holliman (Acting)
Ken Olandt (Acting)
Patrice Martinez (Acting)
Tantoo Cardinal (Acting)
Steve Forrest (Acting)
Mickey Jones (Acting)
Robert Koons (Acting)
William Morgan Sheppard (Acting)
Tony Epper (Acting)
Louie Elias (Acting)
Ken Kirzinger (Acting)
Alex Green (Crew)
Larry Musser (Acting)
Jacob Rupp (Crew)
29 January 2011
28 January 2012
26 March 1988
12 October 1988
30 October 1993
1 January 2004
5 July 2009
20 September 2008
29 March 2008
13 March 1974
8 April 2008
20 November 1979
15 January 1975
19 January 1997
15 July 1995
28 February 1987
19 September 2006
17 February 1986
20 August 2000
11 July 2009
27 September 1987