Hugo, Stan and Bérénice grew up together then grew apart. They were inseparable. Fifteen years later, they meet again as adults. But life has been tough on them. Will they reignite the crazy sparks of their childhood ?
William Lebghil (Acting)
Izïa Higelin (Acting)
Bastien Bouillon (Acting)
Jérémie Elkaïm (Acting)
Guillaume Labbé (Acting)
François Chattot (Acting)
Rabah Nait Oufella (Acting)
Pauline Lorillard (Acting)
André Wilms (Acting)
Laëtitia Spigarelli (Acting)
Estéban (Acting)
Loïc Hourcastagnou (Acting)
25 December 2019
4 October 2019
8 July 2020
12 February 2020
14 June 2019
21 December 2020
13 December 2019
3 June 1988
14 February 2007
30 May 2019
24 September 2020
18 December 2013
5 November 2014
30 January 2020
21 June 2017
5 December 1997
23 September 1994
15 August 2018
26 July 2019
30 October 2019