Quebec-Montreal: 250 km (150 miles) of asphalt, nine thirtysomething travelers, four cars, one destination. The journey becomes an opportunity to share points of view about life and to discuss troubling questions about our existence.
Patrice Robitaille (Acting)
Jean-Philippe Pearson (Writing)
Stéphane Breton (Acting)
François Létourneau (Acting)
Isabelle Blais (Acting)
Julie Le Breton (Acting)
Pierre-François Legendre (Acting)
Benoît Gouin (Acting)
Tony Conte (Acting)
Patrick Baby (Acting)
Geneviève Rochette (Acting)
Catherine-Anne Toupin (Acting)
Ricardo Trogi (Directing)
Alexandrine Agostini (Acting)
Bernard Arène (Acting)
Marie-Ginette Guay (Acting)
François L'Écuyer (Acting)
Norman Yap (Acting)
7 July 1964
10 January 2014
14 November 1968
25 September 2020
22 June 2001
28 September 2019
17 October 2006
25 May 1979
30 May 2019
23 September 1994
10 April 1957
4 May 2000
19 July 2023
10 September 1994
10 October 1997
3 July 1985
5 February 2019
22 November 1989
8 March 1996
11 March 1948
2 August 2002