The enigma of the personality cult is revealed in the grand spectacle of Stalin’s funeral. The film is based on unique archive footage, shot in the USSR on March 5 - 9, 1953, when the country mourned and buried Joseph Stalin.
Joseph Stalin (Acting)
Nikita Khrushchev (Acting)
Lavrentiy Beria (Acting)
Vyacheslav Molotov (Acting)
Georgi Malenkov (Acting)
Klement Gottwald (Acting)
Bolesław Bierut (Acting)
Urho Kekkonen (Acting)
Zhou Enlai (Acting)
Valko Chervenkov (Acting)
Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej (Acting)
Mátyás Rákosi (Acting)
Otto Grotewohl (Acting)
Walter Ulbricht (Acting)
Harry Pollitt (Acting)
Dolores Ibárruri (Acting)
Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal (Acting)
Palmiro Togliatti (Acting)
Jacques Duclos (Acting)
2 April 2015
19 May 2019
6 September 2019
19 September 2019
30 May 2019
12 November 1997
19 November 1975
25 May 1979
23 May 1984
25 May 1983
19 May 1979
3 December 2010
15 October 1999
19 December 1971
29 June 2016
3 October 1985
24 February 2017
11 December 2018
18 July 2013
18 October 2019
22 October 2019