A petty thief learns about his father's illustrious legacy and decides to attack the man who murdered him in order to bring the ancient martial art form that his father had practiced to limelight.
Dhanush (Acting)
Sneha (Acting)
Mehreen Pirzada (Acting)
Naveen Chandra (Acting)
Nassar (Acting)
Munishkanth (Acting)
Raveena Ravi (Acting)
9 March 2018
2 October 2019
18 June 2021
6 January 2012
13 February 2020
1 January 2020
14 March 1972
17 October 2006
23 September 1994
28 September 2019
5 April 2023
15 September 2021
3 July 2019
10 April 1957
10 September 1994
23 June 1994
5 November 2014
9 February 2016
14 May 2014
30 March 2011
14 January 2020