When five strangers with nothing in common come together at a remote roadside eatery, they place their orders with the diner's omniscient owner, who seems to know everything about them ... and is eerily reminiscent of Jesus Christ.
Bruce Marchiano (Acting)
Jaci Velasquez (Acting)
Steve Borden (Acting)
Madison Gibney (Acting)
Danah Davis Williams (Acting)
Jamie Nieto (Acting)
Kass Connors (Acting)
Jessica Belkin (Acting)
David A.R. White (Acting)
3 October 2014
10 April 1959
25 February 2011
20 March 2015
25 March 2013
18 September 2012
10 April 2010
20 October 2023
13 September 2016
25 January 2002
27 October 1995
22 July 2009
30 April 2008
14 May 2014
23 May 2003
25 May 2004
25 December 2015
4 May 2000
28 July 2016
25 April 2018
3 May 2010