Jesus, who's hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family. A Christmas special so wrong it must be from comedians Porta dos Fundos.
Gregório Duvivier (Acting)
Fábio Porchat (Acting)
Antonio Tabet (Acting)
Evelyn Castro (Acting)
Rafael Portugal (Acting)
Karina Ramil (Acting)
Sura Berditchevsky (Acting)
João Vicente de Castro (Acting)
Robson Nunes (Acting)
Estevam Nabote (Acting)
Fábio de Luca (Acting)
Noemia Oliveira (Acting)
Gabriel Totoro (Acting)
Pedro Henrique Monteiro (Acting)
Pedro Benevides (Acting)
Joel Vieira (Acting)
8 July 2011
21 December 2018
2 August 2010
27 December 1954
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23 April 2015
22 December 2016
24 December 1925
13 July 1925
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3 December 2019