The warmhearted story of Polish immigrant and mathematician Stan Ulam, who moved to the U.S. in the 1930s. Stan deals with the difficult losses of family and friends all while helping to create the hydrogen bomb and the first computer.
Philippe Tłokiński (Acting)
Esther Garrel (Acting)
Sam Keeley (Acting)
Joel Basman (Acting)
Fabian Kocięcki (Acting)
Ryan Gage (Acting)
Sabin Tambrea (Acting)
Mateusz Więcławek (Acting)
James Sobol Kelly (Acting)
Alberto Ruano (Acting)
Camille Moutawakil (Acting)
Philipp Christopher (Acting)
Finbar Lynch (Acting)
19 July 2023
10 December 2016
9 October 1980
18 October 2013
1 November 2013
6 November 2015
26 November 2010
25 September 2020
14 January 2005
30 June 1995
22 November 2017
18 December 2012
10 December 2009
7 September 2016
22 December 2016
13 September 2016
10 October 2018
22 December 2017
9 November 2012
9 October 2015
11 June 2021