The king of a secret modern-time Medieval kingdom leaves his throne in inheritance to his son, who struggles to lead the kingdom in fight for its independence from the Italian state.
Stefano Fresi (Acting)
Max Tortora (Acting)
Silvia D'Amico (Acting)
Fotinì Peluso (Acting)
Francesca Nunzi (Acting)
Paolo Buglioni (Acting)
Agnese Nano (Acting)
Enzo Salomone (Acting)
Walter Toschi (Acting)
Simone Guarany (Acting)
Valeria Belardelli (Acting)
Enzo Casertano (Acting)
Liliana Fiorelli (Acting)
Alessandro Forcinelli (Acting)
Francesco Russo (Acting)
Stefano Simondo (Acting)
Romano Talevi (Acting)
30 November 2018
10 September 2020
6 August 1960
30 March 1961
6 December 2019
12 February 2020
17 November 2020
22 April 2014
27 August 2019
28 April 1989
2 August 2018
30 January 2020
14 March 2013
25 December 2020
16 August 2022
9 January 2020
28 May 1982
26 February 2014
23 May 1984
5 June 2019
26 June 2020