When their employer tries to cheat them out of a job, a rugged crew of workmen turn first on him then each other, leading to a bloody confrontation.
Goran Bogdan (Acting)
Steve Speirs (Acting)
Chris Reilly (Acting)
Charley Palmer Rothwell (Acting)
William Thomas (Acting)
Kevin Guthrie (Acting)
Amber Rose Revah (Acting)
James Lance (Acting)
17 June 2021
11 August 2007
17 October 2006
31 March 1999
22 November 1989
17 December 2004
6 June 2015
8 July 2007
23 June 1994
5 April 2023
22 October 2014
18 June 1998
9 February 2016
5 October 2001
25 July 2001
8 March 1996
25 April 1985
15 December 2000
18 November 1997
15 September 2021
23 October 2020