Henri Lanvern is shooting a film in Thailand. One evening, at the end of the shooting, he sees a friend of the war, General Cao Ba Ky, escaped from a communist re-education camp. No more news from Lanvern since.
Bruno Cremer (Acting)
Claude Rich (Acting)
Florence Darel (Acting)
Jacques Perrin (Acting)
Jacques Dufilho (Acting)
16 April 1986
28 May 2015
20 June 2006
3 February 2017
22 February 2018
15 June 2020
17 May 1950
31 March 2017
21 December 1972
4 November 1964
26 October 1956
24 March 1965
4 May 2017
13 June 2012
17 August 2018
5 November 2014
1 February 2019
7 December 2016
30 September 2020
23 March 2018
6 October 2003