Oskar is on the night train heading home after an interview in Stockholm. With a long night ahead of him, he makes eye contact with Ahmad. For the first time, he meets the gaze of someone who feels the same desire as he does.
Khalil Ben Gharbia (Acting)
28 March 2017
14 August 2020
22 December 1993
14 May 2021
3 September 1980
16 October 2015
23 October 2014
11 October 1974
31 July 1952
11 July 2003
25 October 1944
1 June 2018
10 March 1960
16 February 1957
22 December 1977
11 August 1980
20 January 1998
19 April 1977
20 December 1969
10 December 1948
10 September 2020