An egotistical stand-up comedian fights with a spectator and gets fired. To be able to pay his son's pension, he decides to participate in a comedy group contest. Now he will need to work harmoniously with the rest of the team.
Paulo Mathias Jr. (Acting)
Rafael Portugal (Acting)
Victor Meyniel (Acting)
Elisa Pinheiro (Acting)
Neville D'Almeida (Directing)
João Camargo (Acting)
Carlos Meceni (Acting)
Daniel Curi (Editing)
Aldo Perrota (Acting)
Marcella Rica (Acting)
Alexandre Lino (Acting)
Juliana Guimarães (Acting)
Rocco Pitanga (Acting)
Pri Helena (Acting)
Ronaldo Reis (Acting)
Leandro Soares (Writing)
Gabriela Loran (Acting)
Tatá Lopes (Acting)
Kiria Malheiros (Acting)
André Pellenz (Directing)
Gui Albuquerque (Acting)
Miguel Pinheiro (Acting)
Adriana Bellonga (Acting)
Silvio Matos (Acting)
Claire Digonn (Acting)
Carlos Carvalho (Acting)
Renata Augusto (Acting)
1 October 1992
3 December 2020
23 January 2020
19 September 2019
7 October 1977
14 May 2015
23 January 2013
6 January 2017
24 October 2014
28 April 2010
22 April 2015
5 April 2023
25 April 2018
15 September 2021
27 October 2017
3 April 2018
24 April 2019
5 July 2017
7 December 2022
22 July 2011
4 September 2020