One day you might find a balloon on the floor and ask: Who did it once belong to? Whose face did it light up? What joy was it once commemorating, now only to be trodden on and wheeled over between alleyways and curbs?
Leo Reich (Acting)
Paulo Vieira (Acting)
1 January 2020
13 September 1949
18 March 2009
9 March 1989
23 September 2021
20 September 1985
15 December 1965
24 September 1926
8 February 1987
23 September 1976
2 May 1974
16 August 1940
11 July 2003
7 October 1976
22 December 1982
13 January 1972
19 October 1966
10 February 1963
21 May 1967
12 June 2024
3 November 2020