Stephen Browning, a minister in a small city, is unable to cope with the strong opposition in his parish, which is fostered and led by Raphael Creeke, his rival for the love of Irene Manton.
Crauford Kent (Acting)
Stephen Grattan (Acting)
16 October 2007
27 September 2012
27 December 2013
11 June 2020
6 November 2014
30 April 2014
1 January 1996
6 July 2016
3 April 2015
7 August 2013
12 March 2004
13 August 2015
23 September 2011
15 January 2003
13 May 2014
30 May 2013
25 May 2005
12 April 2017
1 February 1920