As a call to the courage of the revolt in the face of the weight of our comfort, From the heart to the belly is an incisive show that confronts us in our contradictions. A look at both personal and collective on this world in crisis.
Guillaume Wagner (Acting)
12 September 2023
1 October 2019
19 March 1991
21 October 2003
4 December 2001
21 January 2014
21 February 2020
7 October 2009
3 September 2019
29 June 1972
21 April 2016
13 January 2017
4 February 2014
12 March 1988
30 March 2012
13 September 2011
26 May 2014
28 October 2017
29 September 1995
16 March 1995
4 December 2020