A middle aged writer of pornographic novels meets and falls in love with a sixteen year old school girl. This alone is cause for concern but when the couple get married and move to America, the trouble (and fun) really begins.
Charles Bronson (Acting)
Susan George (Acting)
Honor Blackman (Acting)
Michael Craig (Acting)
Trevor Howard (Acting)
Orson Bean (Acting)
Paul Ford (Acting)
Kay Medford (Acting)
Jack Hawkins (Acting)
Robert Morley (Acting)
Lionel Jeffries (Acting)
24 October 1978
1 June 1979
2 September 1992
23 September 1994
30 May 2019
18 November 1997
5 November 2014
26 June 1987
3 December 2010
3 July 1985
1 March 2022
27 November 2019
15 July 2010
14 February 2010
24 February 2017
6 June 2001
25 June 1982
25 December 2019
22 November 2000
18 May 2001
6 January 1970