David Vanowen moves into a mysterious house and discovers a box buried in his backyard, filled with 3 million dollars and a fresh corpse. David hides the money in the house, only to be stalked by the buried body.
Tom Fitzpatrick (Acting)
Rachel Alig (Acting)
Richard Riehle (Acting)
Ken Hudson Campbell (Acting)
Clint Jung (Acting)
Michael P. Blevins (Production)
4 November 2021
29 February 2020
17 October 2006
28 September 2019
23 September 1994
27 October 2017
3 July 1985
10 September 1994
10 April 1957
3 July 2019
5 April 2023
30 May 2019
22 November 1989
25 May 1979
1 October 2019
22 October 2014
21 May 2021
6 December 2018
5 November 2014
14 March 1972
16 February 2021