An English clergyman's neglect of his grown children, in his zeal to tend to his parishioners, comes to the surface at a Christmas family gathering.
Ralph Richardson (Acting)
Celia Johnson (Acting)
Margaret Leighton (Acting)
Denholm Elliott (Acting)
John Gregson (Acting)
Hugh Williams (Acting)
Maureen Delaney (Acting)
William Hartnell (Acting)
Robert Flemyng (Acting)
Roland Culver (Acting)
Dandy Nichols (Acting)
14 December 1934
5 December 2022
10 February 2006
9 June 1952
29 July 1965
19 November 1975
13 February 1972
19 December 2002
14 March 1969
22 May 2007
17 March 1989
6 October 1961
8 February 1960
7 October 1961
18 May 2012
11 November 2004
16 February 1957
6 June 2009
28 February 1998
20 October 1989
3 December 1952