An aimless adolescent joins several itinerant misfits who live on the fringe of society and welcome at-risk youths into their fold.
Elliot Page (Acting)
Natasha Wightman (Acting)
Eric Thal (Acting)
August Diehl (Acting)
Diana Greenwood (Acting)
Maxwell McCabe-Lokos (Acting)
Jefferson Guzman (Acting)
Christian Näthe (Acting)
Jim Sturgess (Acting)
Armin Dillenberger (Acting)
Joaquim Horta (Acting)
Alberto Magassela (Acting)
Teresa Madruga (Acting)
Rui M. Silva (Acting)
Paula Garcia (Acting)
Márcia Cardoso (Acting)
5 May 2010
3 February 2000
13 March 2008
5 December 2007
6 October 2000
1 July 1998
25 July 2014
17 October 2006
9 February 2016
10 September 1994
28 September 2019
3 July 2019
30 May 2019
23 September 1994
24 February 2017
5 November 2014
27 October 2017
1 October 2019
22 October 2014
6 December 2018
2 June 2005