Youssef's niece Saida finds her boyfriend, the young doctor Hagen Hoffmann, slain in their shared apartment. Based on the victim's computer activities, the police assume that the crime was committed in a drug environment.
Lina Wendel (Acting)
Jasmin Schwiers (Acting)
Florian Bartholomäi (Acting)
Theresa Scholze (Acting)
Karoline Bär (Acting)
Matthias van den Berg (Acting)
Eva Mannschott (Acting)
Karim Cherif (Acting)
Ronny Miersch (Acting)
Karin Johnson (Acting)
Robert Dölle (Acting)
30 April 1999
10 October 2019
3 November 2002
29 July 2011
30 August 2012
19 December 2013
8 May 2014
24 October 2014
16 May 1978
15 May 2002
18 March 1994
26 January 2012
7 February 2001
30 September 2014
18 July 2014
23 August 1956
6 December 2012
16 March 2010
22 August 2008
4 July 2001
4 March 2021