Puss in Boots is on a mission to recover the Princess' stolen ruby from the notorious French thief, Whisperer. Reluctantly accompanied by three little kittens, Three Diablos, Puss must tame them before they endanger the mission.
Antonio Banderas (Acting)
Gilles Marini (Acting)
Charlotte Newhouse (Acting)
Chris Miller (Acting)
Walt Dohrn (Acting)
Miles Bakshi (Acting)
Guillaume Aretos (Acting)
12 May 2019
14 February 2016
1 October 2018
18 December 2000
5 March 2014
7 August 2012
6 July 1999
23 May 2003
10 June 2011
8 March 2005
1 September 2020
4 August 2011
27 October 2011
13 April 2001
15 April 2017
14 May 2009
25 December 1955
5 November 2004
28 October 2004
1 April 2009
7 February 2012