An investigative and powerfully emotional documentary about the epidemic of rape of soldiers within the US military, the institutions that perpetuate and cover up its existence, and its profound personal and social consequences.
Kirby Dick (Directing)
Amy Ziering (Production)
Susan Collins (Acting)
Carolyn Maloney (Acting)
Jackie Speier (Acting)
Loretta Sanchez (Acting)
2 July 2020
20 May 2016
13 May 2014
18 September 2017
19 November 2014
12 February 2012
6 March 2014
29 April 2018
1 January 1997
18 January 2012
26 May 2021
22 June 2011
22 November 2003
26 October 2004
4 February 2014
29 July 2015
1 November 2009
1 January 2015
1 November 2004
11 March 1987
20 January 2012