After the wild lifestyle of a famous young German photographer almost gets him killed, he goes to Palermo, Sicily to take a break. Can the beautiful city and a beautiful local woman calm him down?
Campino (Acting)
Inga Busch (Acting)
Axel Sichrovsky (Acting)
Gerhard Gutberlet (Acting)
Sebastian Blomberg (Acting)
Jana Pallaske (Acting)
Olivia Asiedu-Poku (Acting)
Melika Foroutan (Acting)
Anna Orso (Acting)
Lou Reed (Acting)
Udo Samel (Acting)
Giuseppe Provinzano (Acting)
Giovanna Mezzogiorno (Acting)
Dennis Hopper (Acting)
Andreas Meurer (Acting)
Michael Breitkopf (Acting)
Francesco Guzzo (Acting)
Milla Jovovich (Acting)
Andreas von Holst (Acting)
Peter Lindbergh (Acting)
Wolfgang Michael (Acting)
9 February 2000
28 February 1975
2 October 2008
28 September 1990
13 December 2000
23 September 1976
8 May 2013
17 September 2003
17 November 2011
20 May 2015
13 March 2008
15 August 1986
2 June 2023
31 March 1999
23 September 1994
18 November 1997
30 May 2019
3 July 1985
12 July 2007
10 May 1996
20 November 2008