Onion Jack has bought a piece of land on which to settle, but the property is still in possession of the orphans of the original owner and is coveted by the local oil baron.
Franco Nero (Acting)
Sterling Hayden (Acting)
Martin Balsam (Acting)
Leo Anchóriz (Acting)
Romano Puppo (Acting)
Nazzareno Zamperla (Acting)
Duilio Cruciani (Acting)
Emma Cohen (Acting)
Dick Butkus (Acting)
Enzo G. Castellari (Directing)
David Warbeck (Acting)
Antonio Pica (Acting)
Massimo Vanni (Acting)
Wal Davis (Acting)
Dan van Husen (Acting)
Xan das Bolas (Acting)
Charly Bravo (Acting)
Daniel Martín (Acting)
George Rigaud (Acting)
Mariano Vidal Molina (Acting)
Manuel Zarzo (Acting)
21 October 1971
7 February 1974
13 December 1973
26 March 1969
11 July 2001
19 February 1923
12 November 1963
18 December 1972
7 June 1991
12 December 1986
16 December 1975
25 November 1994
22 May 2014
20 December 1969
6 October 1978
26 July 1979
4 July 1991
15 March 2012
22 June 2018
11 December 2015
25 August 1975