A pair of best friends head out to quench their romantic thirsts while on vacation, but end up targeting the same man!
Adrianna So (Acting)
Kych Minemoto (Acting)
Alex Diaz (Acting)
Bob Jbeili (Acting)
Chad Kinis (Acting)
Kate Alejandrino (Acting)
Rey "PJ" Abellana (Acting)
Rachel Coates (Acting)
12 April 2007
5 April 2007
28 October 2003
5 October 2004
9 December 2004
10 April 2022
20 January 2011
19 June 2018
25 September 2020
3 February 2016
31 January 2012
17 July 1989
26 July 1922
29 July 2010
3 July 2002
29 March 2016
19 August 2003
1 February 2009
18 April 2015
1 June 2022