When police officer Johanna Strand returns to her hometown Hammarvik to attend her mother's funeral, she expects to stay only for a few nights but the body of a young woman is found and she decides to stay and investigate what happened.
Disa Östrand (Acting)
Linda Santiago (Acting)
Martin Stenmarck (Acting)
Christopher Wollter (Acting)
14 May 2021
26 November 2015
2 October 2011
9 September 2001
2 October 2016
15 April 2014
3 March 2013
2 May 2018
22 September 2004
3 December 2000
12 September 2013
15 January 2012
11 September 1974
11 October 2006
13 September 2005
3 November 1993
20 August 1989
10 October 2012
10 January 1999
6 May 2019
20 October 2020