An epic crime saga of power, money, violence and corruption. The mafia controls everything through local and international networks like an octopus, and anyone who tries to bring them down pays the ultimate price.
Patricia Millardet (Acting)
Remo Girone (Acting)
Elena Arvigo (Acting)
Rolf Hoppe (Acting)
Pippo Pattavina (Acting)
Gilberto Idonea (Acting)
Arturo Paglia (Production)
Gabriele Bocciarelli (Acting)
Giampiero Bianchi (Acting)
Hedy Krissane (Acting)
20 January 2008
8 February 2015
12 September 2013
2 June 2002
8 January 2014
3 September 2008
16 June 2019
15 April 2014
16 October 2018
13 September 2005
2 May 2017
21 July 2017
24 June 2015
4 April 2013
13 October 2017
21 September 2022
9 March 2009
28 August 2015
28 February 2011
28 May 2012
11 March 1984