Mr. Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, and the Thing battle some of their greatest foes, including Doctor Doom, Ronan the Accuser, the Multiple Man, and Mole Man.
Hiro Kanagawa (Acting)
Lara Gilchrist (Acting)
Christopher Jacot (Acting)
Brian Dobson (Acting)
19 October 1998
5 September 2015
17 September 2005
7 February 1998
7 October 2018
2 October 2020
21 May 2021
23 January 2009
15 January 2016
23 December 1996
20 October 2010
3 April 2018
19 November 1994
23 September 2021
15 October 2012
31 October 1992
26 November 2010
24 October 2014
7 July 2017
27 December 2005
2 September 2006