A 16-year-old girl dies unknowingly and attends a new school and notices that they don't recognize her. There he meets some boys from school who explain to him that he has died. They unlock mysterious things and learn about her.
Txunamy Ortiz (Acting)
Lilo Baier (Acting)
Mason McNulty (Acting)
Alexa Reddy (Acting)
20 March 2019
15 February 2007
9 October 2013
29 April 1999
27 March 2005
22 August 2019
4 October 2004
19 July 2016
30 December 1994
3 January 2018
23 September 2013
9 June 2008
18 January 1974
28 February 2011
10 September 2009
11 August 1991
8 June 2013
21 October 2003
30 September 1960
19 September 2005
23 July 2022