The best way to get to know your favorite band is to hear them from themselves. Who are the members of Autemials, what are they like, where is the music going, where is their music going? The answer to all of them is in one content.
Tulgar Batu Alan (Acting)
Deniz Karadaş (Acting)
11 July 2020
7 February 1996
5 July 2015
13 April 2018
8 January 2018
29 December 2008
9 October 2014
5 July 2019
7 March 2021
28 March 1999
4 April 2013
17 August 2002
3 May 2011
8 September 1990
31 January 1999
8 July 2019
6 January 2012
2 April 2010
4 October 2018
31 August 2022