The misadventures of two of New York's finest in the 53rd precinct in the Bronx. Toody, the short, stocky and dim-witted one, either saves the day or messes things up, much to the chagrin of Muldoon, the tall, lanky and smart one.
Fred Gwynne (Acting)
Joe E. Ross (Acting)
Al Lewis (Acting)
4 October 1959
11 October 1993
1 December 2012
9 August 2020
22 January 1980
9 February 2015
13 November 2008
7 September 1974
27 May 2017
20 June 1999
13 May 1996
1 January 1989
12 June 2020
21 April 2013
1 January 2023
17 February 2021
15 November 2010
8 October 2000
17 September 1961